Singing Guide: Miranda Lambert

Singing Guide: Miranda Lambert

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Learn Singing Like Miranda Lambert

Miranda Lambert is a uniquely talented country singer with several incredible techniques that make her voice stand out. She is known for her incredible range and ability to hit high notes with ease. Here’s how you can learn to sing like Miranda Lambert.

Explore Your Range

The first step to singing like Miranda Lambert is to identify your vocal range using a vocal range test. Singing Carrots offers a great vocal range test that helps you determine your voice type and range compared to famous singers. Knowing your range helps you choose songs that suit your voice and style.

Breath Control

Miranda Lambert has exceptional breath control, which is a crucial factor in achieving her incredible notes and long phrases. Focus on passive breathing by taking quick inhales through your nose, and exhale through your mouth, letting out breaths in short, repeated spurts. Singing Carrots has an essential breathing basics article to help you get started.

Chest Voice and Twang

Miranda Lambert uses her chest voice to give her voice depth and twang to add a characteristic country sound. The Chest Voice Explained video on Singing Carrots provides an excellent start for mastering chest voice, further anchored by exercises such as How to Twang Exercise and Glottal Onset.


Vibrato is an essential technique in country music, and Miranda is a master at it. Singing Carrots Beggars Bounce and Diaphragm Bounce exercises are designed to help you develop this technique to sound as great as Miranda.


Warm-ups increase flexibility and do wonders for your agility, aiding in smoother singing. Start your practice sessions with Farinelli Breathing or Humming exercises. You can find them on Warm Up - Practice Starter video.

Song Choice

Song choice is critical for learning to sing like Miranda Lambert. Choose songs that highlight your strengths and fit your vocal range. The Singing Carrots search songs tool can help you discover songs fitting your criteria.


Singing Carrots offer several articles, videos, and tools perfect for helping you learn to sing like Miranda Lambert. The Pop/Jazz vs Classical singing and Contemporary vocal techniques: Heavy modal, Twang, Belting will come in handy to master these Genre's techniques.


To sing like Miranda Lambert, you must have a good grasp of your range and breath control skills. Practice your chest voice, vibrato, and choose songs that highlight your strengths. Use the relevant Singing Carrots resources, and you will find yourself performing and sounding like Miranda Lambert in no time!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.